
​Therapy and Evaluations

​​Our Center provides Speech-Language Therapy and Evaluations in English, Spanish, Greek for Children and Adults.

We focus on:​
Language Delays
Language Disorders (PDD, Autism)
Language Use (Pragmatics)
Auditory Processing

We offer group sessions which focus on articulation, social skills and phonological awareness.
We provide FREE Parent Trainings on a variety of topics.

Oral-Motor Function
Aural Rehabilitation
Adult Language Disorders
Adult Neurological Disorders


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we offer TELE-PRACTICE in the comfort of your own home and on your own schedule. 
​We accept the following insurances

United Healthcare - www.uhc.com
Aetna - www.aetna.com
Cigna - www.cigna.com
Affinity Health Plan - www.molinahealthcare.com
Blue Cross Blue Shield - www.empireblue.com
Metro Plus - www.metroplus.org
Oscar - www.hioscar.com
Oxford Health - www.oxhp.com
Tricare - www.tricare.mil
1199 - www.1199seiubenefits.org
Humana - www.humana.com


Therapy is FREE of charge for students with Individualized Educational Program (IEP) and Related Services Agreements (RSAs), covered by the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and the Committee on Special Education (CSE).

FREE transportation for students with RSAs, reimbursed by the DOE.

Insurance and Self-pay accepted.